Information about the employment of Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) and how they are funded.
Publication schemeOur accounting details are covered by a range of government legislation & accounting standards that are designed to ensure proper accountability for public funds.
Publication schemeThe Police and Crime Commissioner is responsible for the Kent Police budget.
Publication schemeThe gender pay gap reports for Kent Police can be found in our Pay and Reward information.
Publication schemeAddress and contact details for Kent Police Headquarters in Northfleet.
Publication schemeInformation about how we use drones, including the models we use, the benefits, recording you or your property and drone use near prisons.
Publication schemeFind out more about how Kent Police uses Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) technology including access to stored data and camera locations.
Publication schemeThe purpose of this policy is to outline the position of Kent Police with regard to its legal and social responsibility to the environment.
Environmental information regulationPolicy about the scheme that is designed to help the force in the return of officers with valuable skills & experience who would otherwise retire or who have retired.
Publication scheme