S4700 Fraud Allocation and Investigation
1. Summary of Changes
1.1 This policy has been reviewed in November 2023 – team names and allocation model updated.
2. What this Policy is About
2.1 This policy should be read by all members of Kent Police who are involved with fraud investigations.
2.2 The overall aim of Kent Police is to have all assessments of fraud investigations fall under the umbrella of the Serious Economic Crime Unit (SECU). This will be undertaken by the Fraud Triage Team who will carry out enquiries to ascertain if there is a crime and to direct it to the correct force area or professional agency if appropriate. However, it is recognised that there will be circumstances where offences of fraud will be reported by the victims at a police station either in person or on the phone, or now commonly known as a "call for service". SECU Fraud Triage Team will also review the investigation once recorded and ensure it is allocated to the appropriate department on Division and provide investigative advice when required.
2.3 This policy outlines how the force will approach the allocation and investigation of all allegations of fraud. This policy should not be viewed as a standalone document nor adhered to in isolation but will sit above a standard operating procedure supported by flowcharts to allow better understanding of the processes involved.
2.4 The purpose of this policy is to provide the force with an objective framework to manage the allocation and investigation of all reported fraudulent activity which includes all fraud related investigations within the scope of the Criminal Procedures and Investigations Act 1996.
Compliance with this policy and any linked procedures is mandatory
3. Statement of Policy
3.1 The application of this policy and its associated procedures will assist the force to:
• Achieve its strategic priorities.
• Target those criminals who commit fraud and are of most concern to the public through an intelligence-led approach.
• Better utilise force resources to assess all allegations of fraud and allocate those investigations appropriately through the Serious Economic Crime Unit thereby alleviating the responsibility of the vast majority of fraud investigation from the local policing teams across Kent.
• Professionalise fraud investigations through dedicated Economic, Serious Fraud and Cyber Crime Teams working across Kent.
• Working alongside other professionals and appropriate agencies we will offer support and crime reduction advice to victims of fraud.
• Work with key partners to bring more offenders to justice.
• Utilising a consistent structured process for the allocation and investigation of fraud with the intention of improving public confidence in the allocation and investigative processes of the force.
• Ensure that all allegations of fraud receive a level of investigation proportionate to the severity of the offence.
• Improve overall performance by ascertaining and examining legitimate lines of enquiry relative to an offence in order to enhance the likelihood of detection.
• Provide clear instruction to police officers and staff as to the method of investigation for all reported fraud.
This policy will ensure the people of Kent are kept informed, are given the appropriate advice on crime reduction and are treated with compassion and understanding.
3.2 Guidance on the key principles of investigation is provided within the Authorised Professional Practice - Investigation. Investigations will be conducted in a manner consistent with this guidance by qualified persons and in accordance with the aims and principles of the Professionalising Investigation Programme (PIP) or the equivalent for police staff.
3.3 Investigating officers will be trained to the National Standard of Incident Recording (NSIR) and the National Crime Recording Standard (NCRS) national standards.
4. Equality Impact Assessment
4.1 An Equality Impact Assessment has been carried out and shows that the proposals in this policy would have no potential or actual differential impact on grounds of race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, transgender, disability, age, religion or belief or sexual orientation.
5. Risk Assessment
5.1 This policy has been assessed as having a low potential risk.
6. Consultation
6.1 Consultation has been undertaken with the following:
• Information Security
• Legal
• Equality and Diversity
• Health and Safety
• Estate
• Finance
• HR
• Unison
• Federation
• Superintendents Association
• Kent and Essex Serious Crime Directorate
• Kent local policing units
• Investigation Management Unit
• West Midlands Police
• Action Fraud
• NFIB City of London Police
• Metropolitan Police Serious and Organised Crime Directorate
7. Monitoring and Review
7.1 This document will be monitored and reviewed every two years by the policy owner.
Other Source Documents
8. Related force policies or related procedures (Essex) / linked standard operating procedures (Kent)
• N18 Economic Crime
9. Security
9.1. Kent Police has measures in place to protect the security of your data in accordance with our Information Management Policy (Policy W1000 – Information Management).
10. Retention and Disposal of Records
10.1. Kent Police will hold data in accordance with our Records Review, Retention and Disposal Policy (Policy W1012 – Records Review, Retention and Disposal).