1.0 Summary of Changes
1.1 This is a new policy which was first published in May 2024.
2.0 What this Policy is About
2.1 Rapid Video response is an immediate and optional response to eligible calls for service directly from the FCIR, transferred to a Police Officer before the caller has cleared the line. The response service will provide the same response as a first response would in person, conducting all lines of enquiry as per the College of Policing’s guidance on investigation and public protection.
2.2 Rapid Video Response (RVR) was tested in a randomised control trial conducted with Cambridge Centre for Evidence Based policing during 2021 and the results were published in the Cambridge Journal for Evidence based policing. The results of the trial showed that victim satisfaction improved for female victims of intimate abuse, response times were much faster, more suspects were arrested, and officer time was used more efficiently.
2.3 Rapid Video Response is an additional, instant and optional (for victims) alternative for physical attendance to eligible domestic abuse calls for service that are received into the force control room via recorded two-way video. Eligible calls are those which fit the criteria detailed in this force policy and associated SOPs, essentially risk assessed that the victim is safe and able to communicate via video.
2.4 This policy defines the essential guidance for the use of the GoodSAM two-way video consultation service which enables Kent Police Officers and Police Staff to utilise the video software platform to provide an immediate video response to eligible calls for service where the offender is not present.
2.5 This policy applies to all Police Officers, Special Constables, Police Staff, PCSOs and Police Volunteers employed within Kent Police. This Policy should be read in conjunction with the SOPs.
2.6 Rapid Video Response officers will be able to use GoodSAM to undertake consultations. Officers will be able to access the platform until the integration of GoodSAM into DAMs, when officers (other than RVR officers) will no longer need to access GoodSAM as they will be able to access the footage via Evidence.com.
Compliance with this policy and any linked procedure is mandatory.
3.0 Statement of Policy
3.1 This document will:
- Provide Police Officers, Special Constables, Police Staff, PCSO’s and Police Volunteers with the correct procedures for collection, downloading, processing and presentation of video evidence and the appropriate MOPI retention category. This will follow relevant legislation and codes of practice.
- Ensure GoodSAM (video software) is used correctly so that Kent gains maximum benefit from the operational use of GoodSAM.
- Ensure GoodSAM is used for a policing purpose and that processes are accurate and transparent. Public safety, community confidence and the criminal justice process will be improved by providing a new and optional response service for appropriate victims of a crime.
3.2 Legal Framework: Policing is by consent and Live Video Streaming will only be used with the explicit consent of members of public. Video consultation will be predominantly used for an immediate response to incoming, live calls for service and therefore will assist in the investigation and detection of crime by engaging with victims rapidly, the apprehension and prosecution of offenders by expediting investigations, the protection of life and property and also the maintenance of order will be improved as police will be able to provide advice to protect and safeguard victims rapidly (all principles described under Common Law).
3.3 The Force Authorising Officer has been spoken to about RIPA implications. Authorities are not required but measures will be put in place to ensure our intentions are explicit and to minimise collateral intrusion. Victims will be aware that the interaction is being recorded, and participating staff will be briefed on how
to manage others that may be present, and spontaneous events. A detailed self-assessment has been completed against the 12 guiding principles of the Surveillance Camera Code of Practice to ensure all considerations have been documented. There are risks associated with using GoodSAM, and mitigation to these risks have been considered and applied where possible. Risks are documented within the Project Risk Register.
3.4 Any Covert surveillance that takes place without lawful authorisation must be reported to the local Covert Authorities Bureau (CAB). The Chief Constable is then obliged to report the breach to the Investigatory Powers Commission.
3.5 Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights [as incorporated at Schedule 1 to the Human Rights Act 1998]” is the right to respect for private and family life, home and correspondence. Police officers / staff are required to consider this article when dealing with recorded images, whether they were made in public or private areas. Recordings of persons in a public place are only public for those present at the time, so those situations are therefore still regarded as potentially private. Recorded conversations between members of the public should also be considered private.
3.6 If a complaint is made or incident occurs that requires reporting to the Investigatory Powers Commissioner’s Office (IPCO) and requires investigation for which GoodSAM footage is available, the managing officer should secure all evidence relating to the incident / complaint. The GoodSAM cloud should not be used to retain footage beyond the retention periods for evidential data.
3.7 This policy has been aligned and gives due regard to:
• Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 - Surveillance Camera Codes of practice
• The Data Protection Act 2018
• W1011 Procedure/SOP - Data Protection
• Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights [as incorporated at Schedule 1 to the Human Rights Act 1998]
• MOPI retention categories (ecis.police.uk)
• Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000
4.0 Implications of the Policy
• An Equality Impact Assessment has been completed and shows the proposals in this policy would have no potential or actual differential impact on grounds of race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, transgender, age, religion or belief or sexual orientation. The only impact that could be identified was that of those victims that have a hearing impairment and might not be able to use the service as there is no ability to be able to instantly engage with an interpreter or translate to text on the software presently. Plans are in place to offer the service when a victim who can act as an interpreter in their presence and to offer a delayed service where possible.
• All users will have read the available training documentation or received a training input from an officer or a member of police staff competent in the use of the system.
• Training will focus on ensuring that users understand that use of the service with members of the public is driven by consent and is used legally.
• Supervisors will be responsible for checking the quality of RVR officer responses.
• Appropriate risk assessments are carried out throughout each 999/101 call to ensure that people are not put at risk through use of GoodSAM.
• Individual Officers and Staff are to ensure they comply with the relevant SOP for their role within the RVR GoodSAM environment.
Equality Impact Assessment and DPIA stage 1.
• A DPIA stage 1 Stage 1 has been completed
• An Equality Impact assessment has been completed.
5.0 Consultation
The following were asked to consult on this document:
o Chief Superintendent PVP
o Chief Superintendent VJU
o Detective Inspector PVP
o Superintendent Divisional Investigations
o Finance
o IT Security
o Estates
o Human Resources
o Health and Safety
o Legal
o Professional Standards Department
o Freedom of Information
o Data Protection
o Diversity and Inclusion Academy
o Divisional Commanders
o Supts Association
o Unison
o Federation
6.0 Monitoring and Review
This Policy is scheduled for full review every 2 years and will be reviewed by the author and owner to ensure it still remains accurate and fit for purpose.
7.0 Security
Kent Police have measures in place to protect the security of your data in accordance with our Information Management Policy - Policy W1000 – Information Management
8.0 Retention and Disposal of Records
Kent Police will hold data in accordance with our Records Review, Retention and
Disposal Policy - Policy W1012 - Records Review, Retention and Disposal
9.0 Related Force Policies and SOPs
• Policy W1000 – Information Management
• Policy W1012 - Records Review, Retention and Disposal
• W1011 Procedure/SOP - Data Protection
10.0 Other Source Documents
• Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 - Surveillance Camera Codes of practice
• The Data Protection Act 2018
• Data Protection Act 1998
• College of Policing guidance on investigation and public protection