1. Summary of changes
1.1 On its two-yearly review this policy has been amended as follows:
- new paragraphs added within section 7 regarding data security and retention and disposal of records
- author and owner details updated
2. What this policy is about
2.1 This policy applies to all officers and staff in Essex Police and Kent Police (the forces). The aim of the policy is to enable the Forces to manage their exposure to risk effectively.
2.2 The application of a joint risk management policy will assist the forces to:
- achieve their strategic objectives
- reduce the probability of a critical incident occurring
- enhance service delivery
- control assets and liabilities
- protect people
- identify and assess new opportunities to improve services, either within the forces or by working with external partners
- demonstrate good governance
Compliance with this policy and any linked procedures is mandatory.
3. Statement of policy
3.1 The forces will operate a joint risk management procedure which will:
- encourage the active use of risk management as a tool for controlling organisational risks
- ensure risk is managed in accordance with best practice and any relevant national guidance
- minimise the loss, disruption, damage and injury that may arise from the forces’ activities
- make best use of resources, whilst reducing costs
- assess risk in the context of its impact on performance
- enable policy and operational decision making to take into account organisational risks and their likely impact
- protect the corporate image and reputation of the forces
- reduce the risk of adverse litigation
3.2 To deliver the policy the forces will:
- operate consistent risk management processes (including the collaborative directorates)
- maintain a comprehensive risk register for each force and collaborative directorates and departments
- establish and embed risk management as a process at strategic, management and operational levels
- define clear roles, responsibilities and reporting lines including a risk co-ordination capability
- incorporate risk management considerations into other management processes including: business change, planning, business continuity, National Intelligence Model (NIM) procedures, strategic assessments and partnership arrangements
- ensure effective communication with, and the active involvement of, all officers and staff
- provide risk management training and guidance
- maintain awareness of current best practice via other organisations, publications and networking
- provide an appropriate assurance mechanism for the risk management process
4. Implications of the policy
4.1 Finance/staffing/training/other
4.1.1 Implementation of the policy will require:
- provision of an IT based risk management system
- appropriate training to familiarise staff with the risk management process and system
4.2. Risk assessment(s)
4.2.1 Application of the policy will provide a rigorous means of capturing and recording risk.
4.3. Equality Impact Assessment (EIA)
4.3.1 An EIA has been carried out. This policy will have no adverse impact on the grounds of of age, sex, disability, race, religion or belief, marriage and civil partnership, sexual orientation, gender reassignment and pregnancy and maternity.
5. Consultation
5.1 The following have been consulted during the formulation of this document:
- Head of Information Management (Essex)
- Head of Special Branch (Essex)
- Head of Media and Public Relations (Essex)
- Head of Professional Standards (Essex)
- Chief Inspector Kent/Essex Collaboration (Essex)
- Chief Superintendent Evolve Programme (Essex)
- Chief Superintendent Operational Policing Command (Essex)
- Head of Criminal Justice and Offender Management (Essex)
- Criminal Justice and Offender Management: Operations Manager (Essex)
- Divisional Commander: North Local Policing Area (Essex)
- Chief Inspector (Pacesetter and Performance) (Essex)
- Detective Chief Superintendent Crime and Public Protection Command (Essex)
- Health and Safety Officer (Essex)
- Equality and Diversity Co-ordinator (Essex)
- Police Federation (Essex)
- UNISON Branch Secretary (Essex)
- Head of Force Control Room (Essex)
- Divisional Commander: West Local Policing Area (Essex)
- Divisional Commander: South Local Policing Area (Essex)
- Detective Superintendent Frontier Operations (Kent)
- Detective Sergeant Serious Crime Directorate Tasking and Co-ordination Unit (Collaborative)
- Detective Constable Serious Crime Directorate Tasking and Co-ordination Unit (Collaborative)
- Chief Inspector Partnerships and Crime Reduction (Kent)
- Digital Forensics Manager (Kent)
- Information Security Manager (Kent)
- Legal Executive - Freedom of Information (Kent)
- Equality and Diversity Co-ordinator (Kent)
- Health and Safety Manager (Kent)
- Legal Executive – Legal Services (Kent)
- Head of Operational Human Resources (Kent)
- Accountant – Finance (Kent)
- Energy Manager (Kent)
- Unison Branch Secretary (Kent)
- Police Federation (Kent)
6. Monitoring and review
6.1 The Continuous Improvement Manager (Essex) and the Force Risk Co-ordinator (Kent) will be responsible for day to day oversight of the joint risk management process. They will also monitor and review the operation of this joint policy.
6.2 Issues arising from the joint policy or procedure will be taken to the deputy chief constables for resolution.
7. Related force policies or related procedures (Essex)/linked standard operating procedures (Kent)
- Y0101 Procedure/SOP – Risk Management
7.1 Data security
7.1.1 Essex Police and Kent Police have measures in place to protect the security of your data in accordance with our Information Management policy.
7.2 Retention and disposal of records
7.2.1 Essex Police and Kent Police will hold data in accordance with our Records Review, Retention and Disposal policy.
7.2.2 We will only hold data for as long as necessary for the purposes for which we collected.
8. Other source documents, e.g. legislation, APP, partnership agreements (if applicable)
- The Orange Book: Management of Risk - Principles and Concepts, HM Treasury, 2004
- ISO31000 – Risk Management Principles and Guidelines 2009
- Association of Chief Police Officers – Statement of Risk Principles